Line 19
Srpski Milanovac - Centar - Srpski Milanovac

Here you can see time schedule for line 19 which commutes on Saturday between Srpski Milanovac - Centar - Srpski Milanovac

Take a look on departures for the city bus line 19 which commutes on Saturday between Srpski Milanovac - Centar - Srpski Milanovac

City bus line on Saturday drives passengers on rute Srpski Milanovac - Centar - Srpski Milanovac and goes through 21 local bus stations. For visual representation check out a map below. Take a look on the departures scheduled from Okretnica Tunjice station:

Take a look on departures for the city bus line 19 which commutes on Saturday between Srpski Milanovac - Centar -Srpski Milanovac

City bus line on Saturday drives passengers on rute Srpski Milanovac - Centar -Srpski Milanovac and goes through 21 local bus stations. For visual representation check out a map below. Take a look on the departures scheduled from Čajavec station: